The prevalence of geometric form is undeniable in both scientific and religious articulation. These shapes, beginning with a circle, square, and triangle at their most basic levels, have been referred to as the “building blocks of the universe”, and the “blueprints of creation”. They are the foundation of all other complex forms, and recognized as the most harmonious and balanced. Whether found in the symmetrical pattern of a Catholic stained glass window, an ancient Egyptian pyramid, or the structure of an electron, these fundamental shapes are intrinsic to our perception of our existence.
The purpose of this piece is to explore the innate spirituality and dynamic relationship of humankind to the universe/nature, as demonstrated by the use of geometric forms in science and religion. Inspired by ideals of sacred geometry and by patterns/cycles naturally occurring throughout our known universe, the resulting artwork consists of an altar installation built around a central collage piece. All elements and imagery included were chosen for their relationship to this theme, either visually or conceptually.
Through my examination of scientific and religious aesthetics, I’ve found strik- ing similarities in the way the two seemingly opposite disciplines make use of these forms. I am most interested in how both use a cyclical, spherical shape to express creation, infinity, the origin of the universe, the cycle of life/ death, “god”, etc. Somehow bridging the two, the ancient Greek Pythagoreans believed that mathematics has an innate mysticism and ritual nature, and that the limits that create these shapes and numbers were necessary to give form to the boundless, emphasizing the dichotomy between the limited and the limitless, the micro and macro, the above and below, within and without – a balance I explored through the creation of this piece.
Drawing from both scientific diagrams and mandalas, the use of mainly circular and spherical imagery & media emphasizes the cyclical patterns of nature and the idea of everything radiating outwards from a center origin. I was particu- larly interested in the “Vesica Piscis” which is created in the equal intersec- tion of two circles, forming an almond shape commonly found in nature, in our own bodies (eyes, lips, female genitalia) as well as astronomical occurrences such as the birth of a star. Because of these reasons the Vesica Piscis is commonly referred to as the “womb of creation”. I found this shape to be very compelling, particularly in the form of a human eye, and the religious creation of an “all-seeing” being/god.
The altar and collage were created with a degree of playfulness and kitsch to create a commentary on religious worship of human-shaped idols v. scientific examinations of our lives. Scientific imagery and geometric shape juxtaposed with aesthetic elements of fantasy and glamour add dimension to the piece, as well as inspiring curiosity and wonder in the viewer as they experience the installation for themselves. Ultimately, this piece represents my own personal approach to spirituality and an innate worship of the fundamental construction of nature.
Research and exploration of this topic includes but is not limited to: Pythagoras, the Platonic solids, religious architecture & artwork, space explo- ration, religious & scientific creation theories, mathematical structures, the Golden Ratio, the Large Hadron Collider, cell replication, ancient megalithic structures, mandalas, sound & color frequency, crystal structures, vortexes, meditation, astronomy, human anatomy, and the aesthetics of scientific diagrams.
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